To Tell, Or Not To Tell

By Zerida Mponye “In any moment of decision, the best thing you can do is the right thing. The next best thing is the wrong thing. And the worst thing you can do is nothing.” –Theodore Roosevelt If your friend was seeing someone they were really serious about and this...

It’s The End

By Joan Semanda.   “It’s The End.” Stella looked into Rob’s eyes as she told him, in not so many words, that their five year marriage had come to an end. She still loved him. She still cared for him. She felt like her guts were being wrenched from her body, but...
What Is Your Number?

What Is Your Number?

By Florentina Twongyere Months ago while my girlfriend Joan and I were having one of our weekly breakfasts at my place she regaled me with a narrative of her love life (she’s single and mingling at the moment). Over coffee and hot cross buns I probed about how...

Wanting More

By Vivienne Amijee In my line of work, customer service, I tend to meet a lot of ladies and we all seem to have related relationship issues: Married and unhappy, taken and blissful, single and lonely, single and happy, in a fling and contented, in a relationship with...