Hit by Motherhood

Hit by Motherhood

By Reem Gaafar At the tender age of 35, and after more than 10 years of career building, relative financial independence and my life revolving around myself, I was blessed with twin boys. I am unable to clearly describe the experience, as 7 months into it, it is still...
You Are The Best of Us

You Are The Best of Us

By Valerie Waweru About a month ago, I went to visit my grandmother (I really should do it more), the skies decided to open up while we were there, and with it floodgates of memories as the room went quiet. The first born girl in the family Grace (Big) chuckled, as...
My Ex-Husband Remarried

My Ex-Husband Remarried

By Naide Obiang “Pat married last weekend. Did you know?” The phone call has finally arrived. I quickly wrapped it up and slowly sat down on the nearby sofa; gazing at the quiet space. My eyes would occasionally blink at the sound of my three-year old’s morning noise....