Cries Of A Child

“I need you!” her heart screamed. “I’m dying, I need help!” it cried out. But it went unheard, drowned by other voices; “My husband is a monster; he hit me every chance he got.” one said. “My parents don’t want anything to do with me and the man who impregnated me...
Tale Of The African Woman

Tale Of The African Woman

She was born prepared. Prepared for marriage.  She was conceived, born, weaned, raised for one purpose:  marriage. It might not look like it in this day and age, with many parents now sending their girls to school, but when it comes down to it, for many, it all still...
Tribal Differences

Tribal Differences

Jude was nervous. He was going to see Sara’s parents for the first time. He wished this was something he could avoid, but he knew it was a necessity. Of course he understood the concept and importance of meeting the parents, no matter how much he would rather do...
All In Our Head

All In Our Head

The woman’s eyes glazed over immediately as she stepped in. Lola could feel the dislike the woman sent forth even though her mouth curved in a smile.  Lola had been anxious about meeting the woman she’d hoped would be her future mother-in-law.  Her fiancé had...