by Kabasinga Samantha Kagabo | Mar 24, 2021 | Culture, Empowerment, Thoughts & Reflections
C.S Lewis wrote, “humility is not thinking less of yourself, but thinking of yourself less”. The culture of self-deprecation seems to have replaced the real meaning of being modest. The first time I realised I have a problem with talking about myself and my...
by Takudzwanashe Ndangana | Mar 19, 2021 | Empowerment, Thoughts & Reflections
If you were to ask a six year old about the career path they would choose, you would hear answers such as ‘doctor, soldier, chef, teacher etc. What about a housewife? Do you think she would confidently raise her hand and gladly say she wants to be a housewife? A...
by Faith Mangwanya | Mar 17, 2021 | Culture, Thoughts & Reflections
It was just after 7 pm when I reached for my phone to check on my WhatsApp messages. I had spoken to Tafie earlier that day, we had promised we would meet for dinner. Three missed calls, my screen flagged. I sighed in frustration as Tafie had attempted to reach me,...
by Norah Kirabo | Mar 15, 2021 | Thoughts & Reflections
Communicating – speaking, writing, listening, reading, connecting, is something we all do every day. Sharing with others a mix of information and emotions in every interaction is what makes us uniquely human. And communication, this finding shared understanding...
by Sheila Umuhoza | Mar 12, 2021 | Thoughts & Reflections
I learned about this word at a later time in life and the hard way. I had to learn and unlearn, learn and re-learn because nothing was picture perfect of how dictatorial, egoistic or very plain vain was in this one word. Being team positivity as the common narrative,...
by Nadjath Akanni | Mar 10, 2021 | Culture, Lifestyle, Thoughts & Reflections
As Africans, we strongly believe in the fewer people know about something, the more likely it is meant to happen. I have been around many people in my lifetime, and I believe very few if none will wholeheartedly share a piece of upcoming good news with you unless it...