by Salha Kaitesi | Jan 13, 2021 | Feature
I am thrilled to welcome our new Director Rehma Muguyeneza onboard! Rehma is a member of the Ishami Foundation which works towards bringing awareness of the 1994 Genocide against the Tutsis, regarding her own personal experience with the Rwandan Genocide. She believes...
by Salha Kaitesi | Oct 21, 2020 | Current Affairs, Empowerment, Feature
Black History month has been celebrated right here in the UK for more than 30 years. This celebration takes place from the start to the end of October. Throughout history, black people have made huge contributions to society in many fields and areas, so up and down...
by Salha Kaitesi | Jun 19, 2020 | Feature
Another Friday, another piece spotlighting the women behind Teakisi. This week we head to the largest East African country that is known for its exotic wildlife, rich culture and ancient cities. Who is … I’m Eunice Tossy, a 25 year old Tanzanian woman, who...
by Salha Kaitesi | Jun 12, 2020 | Feature, Francais
Je n’en ai pas fait depuis longtemps. Je vois cela comme ma petite façon de mettre en lumière les femmes africaines extraordinaires qui croient en moi et en ce que j’essaie de réaliser avec Teakisi. La prochaine étape de notre “Take Ten”...
by Salha Kaitesi | Mar 25, 2020 | Current Affairs, Feature, Thoughts & Reflections
Three weeks ago, at the invitation of Bridget Stratford, I visited North East Solidarity and Teaching (N.E.S.T) – a Newcastle University Students’ Union project. Bridget, who runs this wanted me to meet and share my experiences of living in the north east of...
by Teakisi | Mar 18, 2020 | Feature
Par Christelle Kamanan Pour les personnes qui n’ont pas encore vu la série : cet article ne contient aucun spoiler. Mars 2020, la vidéo bande-annonce de la saison 2 de la série sénégalaise Maîtresse d’un Homme Marié compte plus de 800 000 vues en moins...