Chrysalis: From Tomboy To Woman (Part 2)

Chrysalis: From Tomboy To Woman (Part 2)

I still remember how it all started, I was seven years old going about my life in my pretty yellow, red and white dresses. And then one day a pair of red cotton shorts walked into my life. I’m not quite sure if they were the first pair of shorts I ever wore but I do...
Chrysalis: From Tomboy To Woman (Part 2)

Chrysalis: From Tomboy To Woman (Part 1)

Every year, on the first day of August, I celebrate my birthday and so nearly three weeks ago the clock hand turned to that time again. Unlike previous birthdays in the past, I didn’t do anything big to mark the occasion. When I say big I mean getting really...
A Woman And Her Finances

A Woman And Her Finances

In most African cultures, it has been the norm within the home for the man of the house to be in charge of the family’s finances. The man is usually seen as the one who goes out to work to bring home the meal of the day while the woman tends to the family and all...
Can we have it all?

Can we have it all?

We want everything but can we have it all? We want to be career women, wives and mothers. A little bit like Beyoncé who is one of the most successful female artists in the world and finds time to be a devoted mother to Blue Ivy and wife to Jay-Z. We want to have...
Is Your Glass Half-Full or Half-Empty?

Is Your Glass Half-Full or Half-Empty?

Often times, we go on about what we lack. I mean, you hear people go on about not having the most trivial stuff and you wonder, is that person complaining of a half-empty glass or one that’s half-full? Most of it is pure vanity while some people just complain...
Why Don’t You Earn Your Own?

Why Don’t You Earn Your Own?

Once upon a time, women were not allowed to get very educated, or get jobs that would allow them to be breadwinners. They were not allowed to own property or to inherit after the deaths of their husbands or fathers. Fast forward to the 21st century, more women than...