The 21st Century African Woman

The 21st Century African Woman

By Josephine Amoako Societal expectations within the African culture are both the best and worst thing that happened to the African woman of today.  They both spur her on and hold her back. She is told the sky is only the beginning, that she can go as far as she...
Sudan Revolts

Sudan Revolts

By Reem Gaafar Once again, people are taking to the streets of Khartoum to protest the ridiculous price hike that the Sudanese federal government rolled out as part of the 2018 national budget. Earlier this month, the regime announced that it will no longer subsidize...
Spreading Love And Flowers To My Sisters

Spreading Love And Flowers To My Sisters

It is 2:00 am and I am wide awake. I put on my unkempt hair in a messy bun, switch on the lamp, take my writing book, and start scribbling. I can hear the grandfather’s clock ticking and I know that I am the only awake nocturnal being in a household full of sleepy...