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Book Review – The Smart Money Woman by Arese Ugwu
By Sarah Jaravaza Arese Ugwu is a respected financial experts, and has gained respect both in Nigeria and internationally. One of her successes is her book, ‘The Smart Money Woman: An African Girl’s Journey to Financial Freedom’. It was published in 2016, but an...
The Issue With Pink
By Cynthia Kinyera Pink. What first comes to mind when you think about that colour? Femininity, delicateness, romance? Growing up, I didn’t like pink. I never had anything against the sight of the colour itself, but only what it represented. It was mostly...
Casualties of Failed States
By Amandla Karungi There are many reasons why Africans leave their homeland and start a new life in a place where they will forever be called foreigners. Most Africans have such a strong tie to their land that even in death, where one is buried is still one of the...
Femme Africaine, Mon Avatar En Public
Par Christelle Kamanan Salut, tu viens d'où ? Waouh, j'adore tes cheveux, je peux toucher ? Non, je ne te crois pas ; c'est impossible que tu ne saches pas danser. Attends, vous les Africains vous avez TOUS le rythme dans la peau! Eh, on ne fonctionne pas à l'heure...
The Unaddressed Pressure from the Society that All Women Face
By Eunice Tossy I was at church one time, when a guy said, “you will find some women over confident which affects their lives negatively, women SHOULD be shy, and less confident, Women that go to the US or far in life do that”. Now I don't want to talk about women in...
The Happiness Theory
By Caroline Numuhire For three decades now, I am privileged to be alive and to have searched for happiness. What a great adventure it has been, and if God had to take me ten years back, I would cheerfully jump on to the opportunity. However, my journey for happiness...
Two Wrongs, Don’t Make It Right!
The title is a statement, and it is so true. It comes in many shapes and sizes, but today I want it to speak to every single mother out there. Just because you are divorced, a teen mother, or life just happened, and you ended up with a dead-bit dad, I want to remind...
Of Petrol Queues, and Patience in Zimbabwe
By Sarah Jaravaza I live in the beautiful capital city of Harare. I know I am biased, but I believe that it is a scenic place. My city is a mixture of a concrete jungle and green spaces. Yet lately, I am feeling like my city is not as beautiful as it used to be. One...
Qualified Beauty
By Eunice Aber Once again, Queen Bey drops a number that does not just turn ears, but hearts too. And it comes at an opportune time for me. Of late, I realised discrimination was far more complicated than black and white, or woman and man. I have since resigned to the...