I Love You

I Love You

I love you. I love you because you are me. I love you because there will never be another you and you are amazing as you are. I love you, each part of you. As you find yourself outside the bra, I think you are fine, really fine. Just learn to stick a little bit more...

Are You A Feminist?

By Ariane Kamdoum Today we celebrate International Women’s Day. The theme is Be bold for change. For me, International Women’s Day is about remembering the battles fought by women (and some courageous men) for basic rights and for women to achieve a state of equality...

Feminism: A Perspective

By Josephine Amoako I’m proud to be a woman and I can’t imagine myself being in the shoes of the opposite sex for even a day. They have their own woes and I’m still battling with the ones that are gender-related to me. That is why I find it perplexing when people...

Are You A ‘Tea Bag?’

Article written by Ibtihal Ahmed. Eleanor Roosevelt – one of America’s greatest First Ladies – once said, “A woman is like a tea bag; you never know how strong it is until it’s in hot water.” One cannot help but wonder how well this powerful quote...