I Am Not A Reptile

I Am Not A Reptile

By Felly Oyuga Yesterday I shared life, hot blood gushed from my veins into tubes. They say the only way to avoid a wizard is to have cold blood. I can’t be what I am not. So you followed my scent. Hot blood scent. Happy. Lively. Optimistic. You laid a...
Je Sais D’où Je Viens

Je Sais D’où Je Viens

By Iris Ntore Je me retourne D’où je viens, il ne reste que ruine Où je vais est incertain J’aperçois au loin une majestueuse reine Elle me crie son nom Je ne peux m’empêcher de m’approcher d’elle Elle est là, si prêt, mais si irréelle Je ferme mes yeux Je sens mon...

The Puppet Show

By Amandla Karungi I sat in a fortress of solitude, even though around me sat waves and waves of souls. It was a gaping hole and no one could catch me. I had run out of my social fuel. Uphill, I pushed my little car whose engine had turned red. I must have run out...
It’s Only Filter

It’s Only Filter

By Josephine Amoako We love to stare at and admire The thousands of photos we find online; They are a source of inspiration For our new wardrobe, wedding and interior décor; We can’t help but wish to be like those on our screens; Smiling, happy, serene, with a perfect...
You Can’t Afford My love

You Can’t Afford My love

By Marie-Helena Mekolo I know what I want. I recognize and value my worth. All the men before you taught me to love and cherish the “unwanted” parts of me. Your predecessors were all lessons that I carefully jotted down in my journal. They will serve as navigators and...