The Year of the Yes!

By Marie-Helena Mekolo After a weekly catch up call with a friend of mine, one spent exchanging the usual gossip and highlights of our weeks, we decided that 2017 was going to be the year of “Yes” for us. You see, I believe that we live in a world of routine. A world...
Get Out Of Your Bubble

Get Out Of Your Bubble

By Elma Asio Your father respects your mother. He has never raised his voice or hand against her. You studied at the very best schools from the time you were only learning to speak to the day you got your degrees. You got a job where everyone is respectful of each...

Are You A Feminist?

By Ariane Kamdoum Today we celebrate International Women’s Day. The theme is Be bold for change. For me, International Women’s Day is about remembering the battles fought by women (and some courageous men) for basic rights and for women to achieve a state of equality...