by Yunah Bvumbwe | Jul 15, 2020 | Affaires en Cours, Current Affairs
The year 2020 is indeed a mixed bag of disappointments, massive loss of lives due to COVID-19, but the silencing of Gender Based Violence activists in 2020 is saddening ever since the emancipation of women has become a rallying cry, in particular in these Southern...
by Salha Kaitesi | Jun 8, 2020 | Affaires en Cours, Current Affairs, Thoughts & Reflections
When you are black or a person of colour in the UK, the United States and in many other countries where white people are the predominant race, you get to know of all the ‘intricacies, contradictions and double standards’ of racism. There is no such thing as being...
by Teakisi | May 29, 2020 | Affaires en Cours, Empowerment
Par Christelle Kamanan Si la pandémie de Covid-19 a entrainé de nombreux bouleversements, elle a aussi mis en lumière l’ampleur des violences domestiques, au niveau mondial. Tous les pays, du Nord comme des Suds, enregistrent une augmentation significative des...
by Teakisi | Jan 27, 2020 | Affaires en Cours, Francais, Thoughts & Reflections
Par Christelle Kamanan Lâcher prise! Qui n’a jamais entendu cela, surtout en ces temps de stress quasi permanent et venant de toutes parts. Seulement nous savons bien que cela n’est pas évident. Encore plus lorsqu’on est une championne du contrôle,...
by Teakisi | Sep 9, 2019 | Affaires en Cours, Current Affairs
By Amandla Karungi There are many reasons why Africans leave their homeland and start a new life in a place where they will forever be called foreigners. Most Africans have such a strong tie to their land that even in death, where one is buried is still one of the...
by Teakisi | Sep 6, 2019 | Affaires en Cours, Autonomisation, Francais
Par Christelle Kamanan Salut, tu viens d’où ? Waouh, j’adore tes cheveux, je peux toucher ? Non, je ne te crois pas ; c’est impossible que tu ne saches pas danser. Attends, vous les Africains vous avez TOUS le rythme dans la peau! Eh, on ne...