by Teakisi | Sep 30, 2019 | Famille, Francais, Love & Sex, Thoughts & Reflections
Par Christelle Kamanan Vous faîtes peut être partie de ces femmes auxquelles on a souvent dit ” tu es trop…”, “il faut que tu arrêtes d’être aussi exigeante” ou “n’en demande pas trop” ou même “apprends à te...
by Teakisi | Sep 25, 2019 | Culture, Empowerment, Family
By Stella Damasus My son came home with a letter from school, for a family day event that was supposed to take place in his classroom. Unfortunately, neither my husband nor I could attend because we had to work that day. So we sent my oldest daughter Isabel, who is 20...
by Teakisi | Sep 20, 2019 | Lifestyle, Money
By Sarah Jaravaza Arese Ugwu is a respected financial experts, and has gained respect both in Nigeria and internationally. One of her successes is her book, ‘The Smart Money Woman: An African Girl’s Journey to Financial Freedom’. It was published in 2016, but an...
by Teakisi | Sep 18, 2019 | Culture, Education, Empowerment, Fashion & Style, Hair & Beauty, Lifestyle
By Cynthia Kinyera Pink. What first comes to mind when you think about that colour? Femininity, delicateness, romance? Growing up, I didn’t like pink. I never had anything against the sight of the colour itself, but only what it represented. It was mostly...
by Teakisi | Sep 9, 2019 | Affaires en Cours, Current Affairs
By Amandla Karungi There are many reasons why Africans leave their homeland and start a new life in a place where they will forever be called foreigners. Most Africans have such a strong tie to their land that even in death, where one is buried is still one of the...