What Type of Car Are You?

What Type of Car Are You?

Article is by C.J Npowa Ladies, in the eyes of “some” men, you are not very different from the cars they drive, hence the terms: checking her out, riding her, she’s got a nice hood, amongst the many terms used. Now before any of you strong...
Woman Know Thyself

Woman Know Thyself

“This at last is bone of my bones, flesh of my flesh. This one will be called Woman, because from man this one was taken.” Adam- Genesis 2:23 Religion is the building block of much of the worlds sexism, because of course how can a woman truly be equal when she was...

We Should All Be Feminists

Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie is one of my favourite African women of all time and she speaks with so much wisdom that I often go back to this video and another one called The Danger of A Single Story to remind myself that there is nothing wrong with being a woman with...