Empowering Women in Malawi

Empowering Women in Malawi

March 7 – Ganet’s Adventure School, a primary and pre-school located in in Mkondezi, a village located in Northern Malawi, celebrated International Women’s Day with the official opening of a new Teacher’s House which will be used to host the school’s Standard 8...
G1RL5 C0D3 2 (Girls Code Too)

G1RL5 C0D3 2 (Girls Code Too)

By Nellie Umutesi-Vigneron I recently attended an event hosted by ThoughtWorks Pan Africa in Atlanta, GA.  This was completely random as I am not in the technology field, but my good friend Enyo Kumahor, Regional Director of ThoughtWorks Africa, was the featured...
Climbing Hills in Heels

Climbing Hills in Heels

Article written by Likeleli M. Monyamane. This will be my last week serving my articles as a trainee accountant. I am getting signed off at the end of the month and as with an end of any great journey, I am forced to reflect back on the past three years of my life...

‘Feminist’ African Women Writers

The “F” word is really a no-no on some circles these days. Indeed, if you admit to being a feminist in public, chances are you will be laughed at or worse you will receive the harass look. Inversely, if someone accused you of being a feminist, you have gravely  been...
Redefining of Beauty

Redefining of Beauty

By Attiya Karodia I grew up wanting to be tough, beating the boys at soccer, cricket and whatever else I was good at. I wore my first dress when I was in high school and eased my way into womanhood without the chaos that a lot of girls these days have to. I grew up...