Let’s Reclaim Our Power

Let’s Reclaim Our Power

Article written by Likeleli M. Monyamane. Last night, many South Africans watched the State of the Nation Address (SONA) by Jacob Zuma, the president of South Africa. I also watched it, albeit very briefly, preferring to rather read about it tomorrow. What fascinated...
Beauty: Universal or Individual?

Beauty: Universal or Individual?

I often wonder who the first person to define beauty pertaining to human beings was. Did s/he also come up with the so-called standards of beauty? Or was that decided later on by a group who appointed themselves the keepers of beauty? With the diversity that exists in...
5 things I have learned about life (so far!)

5 things I have learned about life (so far!)

By Nellie Umutesi-Vigneron Life does not come with a manual! As kids, we are taught to go to school, get good grades, earn a living, have a family and try to live our lives the best way we can. Our parents raise us, guide us, advise us and try their best to protect us...