by Teakisi | May 11, 2020 | Entertainment, Family, Short Story
By Chido Chirumuta She was never good enough. She was too fat; too clumsy; too average in school for her mother to take pride in her. When chores were not done to her mother’s liking, she was promptly reprimanded and reminded how no man would want a woman who could...
by Teakisi | May 8, 2020 | Entertainment, Short Story
By Felly Oyuga Life had become unbearable. It was not always this way though. 16 months ago, Cherie thought she was blissfully married. They lived in a decent three bedroom house with her three children and her husband, Saul. Their three children, Anna 13, Anita 9 and...
by Teakisi | May 1, 2020 | Entertainment, Love & Sex, Short Story
By Felly Oyuga Marianne was a beautiful baby. Everyone agreed. So fat and so round was she, that if babies really did bounce, she would have done so perfectly. She was the first child and the apple of her father’s eye. Her parents were well to do. Baba Marianne ran a...
by Teakisi | Apr 29, 2020 | Culture, Famille, Francais
Par Christelle Kamanan Entretien avec Nathalie Tientcheu Aujourd’hui je vous propose d’aller à la rencontre de Nathalie Tientcheu, l’autrice du livre L’amour est une histoire de sorcellerie. À travers un roman dynamique elle nous emmène au cœur...
by Teakisi | Apr 24, 2020 | Entertainment, Short Story
By Felly Oyuga He was a premium customer. She always made sure to serve him. It was so obvious but she did not care. This was the year she was getting a husband. One thing led to another and they were having an affair. He was perfect except for one problem. A wife....