Twenty Five To Life

Twenty Five To Life

By Kye Makyeli A signature dish – It’s important to have that one meal that you can really cook, that you know will be good every time, and that you can take to potlucks and other events and wow people. Experiment with some dishes, find one that works, and perfect it...
Career Shifters

Career Shifters

By Florentina Twongyere Put up your hand if you experience the Monday blues even when it is a Wednesday? Not surprisingly a multitude of people will eagerly raise them in agreement. Although we are eager to enjoy the fruits of our labour (paycheck) this alone is...
Africa and The Abused Woman Complex

Africa and The Abused Woman Complex

Article is by C.J Npowa Doesn’t it just amaze you that women who have been abused but only to come out about it decades later, whether they were abused by a family member, a friend or a community leader. Doesn’t it just amaze you that people always cross...