For Better, For Worse Part 2

Part 1 Zirwa felt fear engulf her. “Dapo… I thought I should… I thought it would be best…” Mariam couldn’t believe his boldness. “No!” she shouted, “How dear you?! You do this to my sister and have the nerve to confidently come to my house?” Zirwa tightened the grip...

The Transfer Of Negative Emotions

By Amandla Karungi I finally understand it, the thing about misplaced anger. Sometimes you want to give someone a verbal thrashing but because you still have to work with them for possibly a long time, or maybe in the spirit of humility, you decide to inhale this...
Being A Battered Wife

Being A Battered Wife

By Joan Semanda.   Case in point: Beatrice Achola, age 28. Wife to Moses Olyel. Moses’ mother and father approached a traditional clan court in Oyam district, Uganda, over allegations that Beatrice was a witch-doctor. Upon hearing the accusations, the court...
Abused Women

Abused Women

By Maria Dombaxi Life isn’t exactly white or black. Sometimes it’s grey and other times its blue, life is complicated. You can tell a woman to put her life in the back burner to make her marriage work, but how do you tell a woman to leave a man she gave up her life...