It’s Okay To Confess

By Josephine Amoako Ever felt suffocated by some secret you’ve tried to keep from the ones you care about? It’s like trying not to barf even when you know you need to. The puking may be unpleasant, but the relief afterward is rewarding. Then you wonder why you were...

Leaning On Each Other

By Ariane Kamdoum It was past midnight and I couldn’t think of anyone I could call that would get what I was going through. At that moment I never felt so alone and misunderstood. The situation at hand was a dire one and I desperately needed someone who would be my...

The Invisible Rise Of The Phoenix

By Reem Gaafar With recent developments in technology and knowledge sharing, many once-unavailable skills and professions have now become open and accessible to everyone; one of which is filmmaking. All over the world normal people with growingly cheaper and more...
Going Natural: The 5 Stages Explained

Going Natural: The 5 Stages Explained

By Mako Muzenda Natural hair is beautiful. The way it crowns your head, it’s different textures and styles, how it can look so effortlessly beautiful. Three months ago I decided to switch to #TeamNatural. I’d had natural hair before, but after a particular...