African Woman

African Woman

By Esther Chawai Who is an African Woman? Pure in heart like the clear waters, She is known by her skin tone and curly hair texture, She is proud to be called black. Her well defined body she carries graciously, She is a well of knowledge and she loves when she loves....
All Hail The Breast Pump!

All Hail The Breast Pump!

By Amandla Karungi Before I went back to work, 3 months after giving birth, one of my main worries was how I would manage to keep up a supply of breast milk for my baby. Among other causes of my deep anxiety was how I would adapt from feeding my baby every 2 to 3...
Teakisi Woman: Ngozi Ossai

Teakisi Woman: Ngozi Ossai

It’s believed women spend countless numbers of hours researching their shampoo, conditioner, weaves, extensions, and hair care products. In 2015, the global hair care market was valued at US$81.3 billion, while Mintel valued the US market to be more than $2.5 billion....
1,2,3…Be Well

1,2,3…Be Well

By Sarah Jaravaza Take a deep breath in and then as you breathe out count to 3. What comes to mind? It is May 2019, the 5th month of the year, and like it feels for some of us, the year is racing by. We all know that at the beginning of the year, everyone goes crazy...