A letter to Baba Opembe

A letter to Baba Opembe

Dear Baba Opembe, I have wanted for so long to write to you a letter. To tell you how my new home is not home without you. But is home anything so physical? I think home is where you are. When you are with me, I feel at home and I am more true to myself. I am even...
Religion And The African Woman

Religion And The African Woman

By Felly Oyuga In my opinion, there is no greater hindrance to the growth and development of the African woman like religion.  Before you get excited or call me a heathen, let me make it clear that I have nothing against God.  It is the custodians of...
The Village Is Back!

The Village Is Back!

By Felly Oyuga As African women, we need to realise that one of the best things to happen to us is social media. In the days of old, the African woman had a huge support network. She had access to information from the older women, she had the comradery of her age...