
Teakisi are delighted to be collaborating with The Great North Museum: Hancock for their latest edition of Great North Night’s events. The Great North Museum: Hancock was purpose built in Newcastle as a natural history museum in 1884 to house the growing collections of the Natural History Society of Northumbria. Following a £26million redevelopment in 2009, (when the Hancock Museum merged with the Museum of Antiquities and the Shefton Museum), the Great North Museum: Hancock is now a popular free family destination with a varying programme of exhibitions, expert talks, courses and activities for children. It is managed by Tyne & Wear Archives & Museums on behalf of Newcastle University.

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During this event we will explore the role of women through out history and look at how women’s roles in ancient cultures have influenced how women live today. We will look at specific aspects of culture such as hair, beauty regimes, and fashion and look into the significance and history of how these daily routine elements can alter how women are perceived by society and themselves. This event will have activities lined up for you including inspiring talks from…..

  • Dr. Sally Waite is lecturer in Greek Art and Archaeology at Newcastle University. Her work aims to develop and promote the Shefton Collection of Greek and Etruscan Archaeology at the Great North Museum: Hancock. Her research focuses primarily on Attic red-figure pottery and the long history of collecting and collections. Sally has published and exhibited work on the collection, and supervises a number of PhD candidates working in related topics.


  • Clare Ogah is a Doctor of Philosophy (PhD Northumbria University)and a self taught digital Artist specialising in Afrocentric art & beskpoke jewellery.


  • Dr. Dan Jefferson is Director & Chair of Teakisi, GP Lecturer at Newcastle University who has worked as a doctor with NEAS during the COVID-19 crisis. His interests lie in Mental Health, CBT (Cognitive Behavioural Therapy) and the unjust limitations of health inequalities, which he has studied since 1995.


  • Ngozi Ossai is a Biomedical scientist (Biomedical Sciences Newcastle University) who founded GOZI Haircare after noticing the lack of social and cultural representation for her hair. She hopes to change the narrative about natural haircare and intends to produce natural hair products that use safe and sustainable ingredient.

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At this event when we say ‘women’ we include people who identify as women and all gender identities who relate to any aspect of the event content as well as those people who do not identify as women but are interested to learn more. This is a safe, honest and open environment where everyone is welcome, equally.

Event Details

Date: 10th September 2021

Doors Open: 5:30PM

Event Starts: 6:00PM to 8:00PM


Great North Museum-Hancock Barras Bridge, Tyne and Wear, NE2 4PT

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