Empowering communities and fostering cultural exchange

Operating primarily in the digital sphere, Heritage & Flair’s  presence serves as a centralised hub for those who share our passion for African heritage. We aim to empower the African communities here in the United Kingdom and around the world, connect local people to the diverse cultures of Africa, and act as a catalyst for social change.

Africa is a vast and diverse continent known for its stunning landscapes, rich cultural shades, and unique blend of traditions, languages, and ethnicities. It is the second-largest continent in the world, home to 54 recognised countries, each with its own distinct character and history.

Heritage & Flair has its own domain and can be founf at heritageandflair.com

And if you are interested in promoting your work to our H&F audience, please see bwlow.

Promotion Packages

If you are an individual, business or organisation who deals in tourism and other works that promote Afrca, its customs, beauty, land and its people, then taking a pormotila package with us is a great idea.

Why? Because we are a growing paltform including our social media on X, Instagram, Facebook and LinkedIn that only focuses on the above including cultural exchange.


•Reshare/repost one social media post including a tailored caption on one social media platform.


*can add additional platforms at £5 per extra platform required.


Tailored Social Media Promotional Post with custom graphics that will be periodically promoted for visibility.


*additional platforms added at £10 per extra channel


Featured in destination country: Hidden Insights on heritageandflair.com

Tailored Social Media Promotional Post with custom graphics posted across 2 channels.


*additional platforms added at £10


Featured in destination country: Hidden Insights on heritageandflair.com

Sponsored Website Article 

Tailored Social Media Promotion Post across all channels

Listing on Promotion Wall 


Want to take a package with Heritage & Flair?

Please send an email to hello@heritageandflair.com