The Power Of The Tongue: Name It & Claim It!

By Marie-Helena Mekolo Your words and positive thinking can make all your wildest dream come true. I know what I’m saying is going to seem far fetched but let me explain. I recently lived those exact words. Every morning, I state my intentions for the day, “No matter...

It’s Okay To Confess

By Josephine Amoako Ever felt suffocated by some secret you’ve tried to keep from the ones you care about? It’s like trying not to barf even when you know you need to. The puking may be unpleasant, but the relief afterward is rewarding. Then you wonder why you were...
What’s Trust Got To Do With It?

What’s Trust Got To Do With It?

Article is by C.J Npowa If you happen to be in a relationship or have been in a relationship, you know that no relationship can survive without this fundamental, vital, unavoidable thing called “TRUST”. Below is my definition of the word T.R.U.S.T (Yes, I came up with...