I Am Not My Hair

I Am Not My Hair

I hate my natural hair. Yeah I said it. Sorry not sorry. Yes I love to perm my hair. I love the feeling of soft, easy to comb, silky, bouncy hair after a nice retouch. And I see nothing wrong with that. But that does not make me less natural than the girl with the...
Confessions of a Former Hair Abuser

Confessions of a Former Hair Abuser

Like almost every other black woman with internet access, I have joined the healthy hair bandwagon. I have always wanted the luscious, long locks that I saw on my classmates’ heads in high school and university, but that I could never have. My own hair is very...
The Return of The ‘Fro

The Return of The ‘Fro

By Attiya Karodia The Afro has been worn by people whose crafts demanded an assurance of self, a Freedom of artistic ability and a confidence in who they were, which is why the Afro Hall of Fame is a bar raised high by; The Jackson Five Diana Ross Jimi Hendrix...