
Article written by Likeleli M. Monyamane. She lay in her vomit – Again A casualty of Thirsty Thursday Sign on the door read – no admittance for under 23 But her 8 year-old is allowed in So that she can drag her home – Again Her heavy drunken body Looks...

Dressing For Danger

By Kye Makyeli I had forgotten what it felt like to constantly look over both shoulders as I walk down the street. I had forgotten that I had to scrutinize my clothing to avoid “sending the wrong message.” As soon as I resumed my nightly outing routine (after a short...

Wanting More

By Vivienne Amijee In my line of work, customer service, I tend to meet a lot of ladies and we all seem to have related relationship issues: Married and unhappy, taken and blissful, single and lonely, single and happy, in a fling and contented, in a relationship with...

Kampala Fashion Week 2015

By Joan Semanda.   I recently attended Kampala Fashion Week, the second edition of its kind in Kampala that was initiated by Gloria Wavamunno, a fashion designer here in Kampala. This year, unlike last year, it was held in a room on Acacia Mall’s rooftop. Walking...