HIV/AIDS: The Plight of The Affected

HIV/AIDS: The Plight of The Affected

By Diana Awino In this article we shall define ‘the infected’ as persons whom have been confirmed HIV positive using a laboratory test and ‘the affected ‘as persons whom do not have the HIV virus but whose close ones or loved ones are living with the virus or know...
A Curtsy To The Ladies

A Curtsy To The Ladies

Article written by Evelyn Masaba I sat up the other morning and looked at my laptop trying to formalize the words to an article that I wanted to send to our editor to publish. I told myself “this time we can do it”. I couldn’t do it at all, but I did get to stare at...
The Rise of Rape Culture

The Rise of Rape Culture

By Attiya Karodia Put down your coffee ladies and gentleman, and prep yourselves for yet another rant dripping with feminist buzzwords that would on most publications result in a comment-war between meninists and normal people who believe in equality and justice. Fear...
Love is War

Love is War

By Wanjiru Kihusa I have the tendency to remember the most interesting things from people’s conversations. My take home is always something deep, funny (or sometimes weird). I was having a conversation with a friend of mine about marriage and in the middle of it all...
Exodus 20:12

Exodus 20:12

By Diana Awino To me, going to church is reserved for occasions like weddings and funerals. I actually do not remember the last time I went to church; so if that makes me a bad Christian that’s a topic for another day but its quite ironic my first blog for ElleAfrique...